Tuesday, December 31, 2019
William James s Decision Based On Intellectual Grounds
In his lecture, â€Å"The Will to Believe,†William James addresses how one adopts a belief. There is a hypothesis and an option, where you choose between two live hypotheses. An option has the characteristics to be live or dead, forced or avoidable, and momentous or trivial. In his thesis, James argues how â€Å"our passional nature†must make our decisions about our beliefs when they cannot be certainly determined on â€Å"intellectual grounds,†however, this is not the case, we can always make the decision based on intellectual grounds. One can use Bayesian probability to gain some grasp of the situation and eventually to make a decision. In section I of James’ lecture, he defines hypothesis, giving examples of live and dead hypotheses. A hypothesis is â€Å"...anything that may be proposed to our belief.†(James, sec. 1) It is anything proposed to be believed, a claim. A hypothesis may be living or dead, depending on the recipient. James explain s the difference between live or dead with an example of believing in Mahdi. To a person that does not know about the subject at hand, it would be a dead hypothesis. However, if this claim was presented to someone who knew the subject matter, it would alive as â€Å"†¦ the hypothesis is among the mind s possibilities.†(James, sec. 1) A live hypothesis is a claim that appears to be a real possibility for the one it is proposed to. A dead hypothesis is a claim that does not appear to be a real possibility for the one it is proposed to. Whether aShow MoreRelatedWilliam James s Will For Believe1171 Words  | 5 Pagessentences. 1. Explain William James’s Will to Believe. There are three elements to observe when dealing with a hypothesis. Jame s noted we must ask is our hypothesis dead or living, forced or avoidable, momentous. What the Will to Believe is advocating is one can morally or rationally believe in God or something, even if there is not sufficient intellectual evidence for such a belief. We answer the questions which are outlined on page 292 over the three points on the grounds of our â€Å"passional natureRead MoreClifford s Views On Religion1488 Words  | 6 Pagesfor me. On the other hand James’ more faith-filled philosophy based on his view of religion, recognizing facts and the truth and how the choices we make in our lives effect us everyday are some of the more relatable ethics that we can apply in our daily lives and to give us some guidance in a life full of so many choices. As we know many people have a stance on religion just like WK Clifford who has a very strong view about religion, but some do not agree. 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The novels and short stories of Henry James and Edith Wharton tended to focus on (A) the tragic outcomes of impoverished characters living in industrialized urban wastelands. (B) the ordeals of isolated characters living as survivalists in the sparsely populated hinterlands of the United States. (C) the inner psychological lives of privileged upper-class characters. (D) the exploits of characters with startling accomplishments and impressiveRead MoreRace Film : The Great And Only Essay10250 Words  | 41 Pagesthough some who knew him insist it was ‘Mi-shaw.’ The correct pronunciation of his name is only the beginning of the ambiguities and mysteries associated with Oscar Micheaux†Patrick Mulliganâ€â€Oscar Micheaux: The Great and Only: The Life of America s First Black Filmmaker From the very beginning of the early stages in American cinema, African Americans had a presence on the silver screen. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Alternate Homes And Beyond Issues And Perspectives
ALTERNATE HOMES AND BEYOND: ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES IN CHITRA BANERJEE DIVAKARUNI’S SISTER OF MY HEART INTRODUCTION Diaspora is the deracination of society from one earthly region to another earthly region. It deals with the issues and problems of homelessness and integrity crisis. The term ‘’Diaspora†was mainly used for exile of JEWS from their homeland. The Diaspora gained values in peopel;s mind with the result of globalization. In our literature diaspora has no of meanings which actually express the pain and sufferings of expatriate peoples. The term has many synonymous like migration, immigration, emigration exile, dispersio also lingers over alienation, loneliness, homelessness, existential rootlessness, nostalgia, questioning , quest for identity. It also includes the term of ammalgamation of cultures. In this peopels feeling the clashes of singular and multicultural and past and present and many so on. To be dislocated people means to leave their motherly lands and live in the unbelonging room with new things. when migrants leave their roots and leaves than they cr oss the barriers and border lines history ,memories and time. Indians gentry are mainly migrated to different countries like U.S.A, canada ,Australia, Africa and so on. In our English literature authors targeted these countries to make the prominent themes in their works and these themes comes under only one heading writings of the Disapora . V.S Naipaul, Salman Rushdie, Bharti Mukherjee,Show MoreRelatedThe Prayer Scene Just After Donna s Admission1292 Words  | 6 Pagescausing distress. We as a community can help strengthen her family by offering access to treatment programs and alternative options. One possible example is the storing of the children s medication at their school or alternate location. Storing the kid’s medication in an alternate location would lower Donna’s temptation and reduce her risk of relapse. b) â€Å"I induced my labor with all the R’s and coke I was doing†R’s is a slang term for the prescription drug Ritalin. Ritalin is a commonly prescribedRead MoreHamiltons Refutation in Womens Wrongs of Todds Major Points in Womens Rights: An Analysis1002 Words  | 4 Pageswomen without husbands who have to earn a living on their own. More convincingly, Hamilton alludes to the role women play in helping their husbands to earn money in the subsequent quotation. While their husbands went to work, the women who stayed at home rose at the same hour, prepared the mens breakfast, packed their dinner and lunch, and, in cooking, cleaning, making, and mending, worked just as long and just as hard as the men. The money for that hay will not be paid into their hands, but theyRead Morehas picked up from examinations centred upon Shakespeares dramatization and Byrons verse or more1500 Words  | 6 Pages has picked up from examinations centred upon Shakespeares dramatization and Byrons verse or more all†¦ the extensive hearted progressivism of nineteenth-century English legislative issues. The disaster, as Tagore saw it, originated from the way that what was genuinely best in their own particular development, the maintaining of pride of human connections, has no spot in the British organization of this nation. If in its place they have made, stick under control, a rule of lawfulness, or atRead MoreThe Constitution And The Bill Of Rights1294 Words  | 6 Pagesunderstudies a m oment dialect, particularly Spanish since it is the second most talked dialect. As per Wikipedia, approximately forty-four million individuals here in the Assembled States are Hispanic and thirty-eight million beyond five years old communicate in Spanish at home. On May 19, 2006, an article named, Senate votes to Set English as National Dialect via Carl Hulse, composed that the Senate had voted to assign English as our national dialect in the Assembled Conditions of America. CarlRead MoreInternational Environment On International Level1553 Words  | 7 PagesAmerican associations are prone to find that the laws of alternate countries vary from those of the U.S. Numerous lawful rights that Americans underestimate don t exist in different nations; a U.S. firm working together abroad must comprehend and comply with the laws of the host nation. What happened with US company, Coca Cola in India? Is a good example to understand how important is to analyses international environment when moving home country to host country. Business COMMUNAL LIABILITYRead MoreEssay on Multicultural Education1681 Words  | 7 Pagesplans for the desegregation of public schools†(Zephir,1999:136). Changing immigration patterns also occurring since the 1960’s brought educational issues to the forefront of discussion. In 1968, the first Bilingual Education act was passed in an attempt â€Å"†¦to provide short-term help to school districts with high concentrations of students from low income homes who had limited English-speaking ability†(Millward,1999:47). Moreover, in 1974, the Supreme Court ruled in Lau vs. Nichols (a class action suitRead MoreImpart of Divorce on Children1611 Words  | 7 Pagespattern can continue through other stages of the child’s life. â€Å"As teens, children of divorce often have higher rates of insomnia, depression and unrealistic hopes that their parents will reunite†(McGuinness, T. 2006, p. 18). Teens often create alternate scenarios of a reali ty he or she would like to have during this time. Teens often refuse to give up on such hopes and need help in dealing with the effects of insomnia and depression. Children of divorce, often females, tend to seek out replacementsRead MoreThe Swimmer By John Cheever1528 Words  | 7 Pagesgrief until she begins to think of what her new life will be like. Most women relied on their husband for financial support, and in return they would clean and cook. However, Louise Mallard comes from an upper class family where money will never be an issue. Now she is struck with a new way to live life free of rules and men to instruct her. She sits in a small room envisioning the world looking at the trees and blue sky. The ironic thing is that she is confined into a small room, despite the fact thatRead MoreIntegrative Bargaining1736 Words  | 7 Pagesparties involved. Bargaining power, described as the capacity of one party to dominate the other due to its influence, power, size, status or through a combination of different persuasion tactics (Lewicki, 2007) is an important determinant in framing issues, however not essential to determining end agreements (Picard, 2004). Nonetheless, during the course of negotiation, one must be careful not to divulge too much sensitive material without receiving concessions in return. This has the potential toRead MoreThe Future Of Perovskite Solar Panels1745 Words  | 7 Pagesaddition to the gains seen from replacing silicon crystals with perovskite crystals. Design Process There were many alternative routes we could have chosen while choosing the best design for our project. However, after examining them from multiple perspectives we could agree that lead based perovskites were the most logical choice due to its most energy efficient properties. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Angels in America †Essay 2 Free Essays
Angels in America is a play written by Tony Kushner that chronicles the disintegrating relationships of two couples. The story is set in America in the 1980s against a background of gluttony, conservatism, politics, and controversial sexuality. It is this backdrop that provides Angels in America with its enormity and sets it apart from other love stories. We will write a custom essay sample on Angels in America – Essay 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this play, the plot is largely driven by its themes, which are viewed from different characters’ perspectives as the story unfolds. Throughout the play, Kushner introduces to readers, many weighty issues. Some of these issues include: homosexuality, religion, stereotypes, race/ethnicity, denial, betrayal, and identity; each character in the play questions and grapples with at least one of these subjects. As a reader, it was particularly interesting to watch the characters struggle with the issue of stereotypes. Living in New York City during the 21st century, the gay community has had and continues to be a prominent part of society. The gay people that I have crossed paths with do not seem to be shy or ashamed of their sexual orientation. They do not hide who they are attracted to and they do not view their orientation as a sign of weakness. Due to my exposure to this, it was baffling to witness Roy’s reaction upon hearing from his doctor that he has contracted AIDS. Roy states, â€Å"Now to someone who does not understand this, homosexual is what I am because I have sex with men. But really this is wrong. Homosexuals are not men who sleep with other men. Homosexuals are men who in fifteen years of trying cannot get a pissant antidiscrimination bill through City Council. Homosexuals are men who know nobody and who nobody know. Who have zero clout. Does this sound like me, Henry? †(Kushner, 51). Although Roy may desire another man, to him desire is irrelevant. Roy only identifies with other powerful people and in his eyes, gays are powerless. Roy believes his money and status protect him from the oppression gay men face. Roy is even convinced that he can use his money to buy immunity from AIDS. Another issue that is raised by Kushner is sanity. In the play there is a character named Harper who is addicted to Valium. Throughout the play, Harper struggles and questions what sanity is. Her vivid imagination causes her to travel between reality and fantasy quite often. At one point, towards the end of Part One, Harper â€Å"travels†to Antarctica in a dream. She believes that she has found her utopia and now she can finally live in peace. Harper’s imaginary friend, Mr. Lies joins her n her journey and explains, â€Å"This is a retreat, a vacuum, its virtue is that it lacks everything; deep-freeze for feelings. You can be numb and safe here, that’s what you came for. Respect the delicate ecology of your delusions†(Kushner, 108). Harper wants to remain in her created delusion forever; her manifested utopia is a result of her inability to face reality. Because Harper is too scared to leave the confines of her home, she has created a world inside her ow n mind so that she can live there and remain in paradise forever. How to cite Angels in America – Essay 2, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Summary Of Independence Threats Safeguards â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Summary Of Independence Threats Safeguards? Answer: Introducation The situation described in the in the question is that Katrina Ng, the senior accounts manager from Jenkins Ltd has fallen ill and as result needs replacing for the next four months for which a replacement has been asked from Thornleigh Accountants. The substitute accountant that Thornleigh Accountants provided is Ellen Davis and she finished the tenure in mid May. Now Thornleigh Accountants will conduct the audit of Jenkins Ltd and has an intention to use Ellen Davis as a part of the audit team. The specific domain of threat to independence under which this situation falls is, Self-review threat (Tepalagul and Lin 2015). This is because a member of Thornleigh Ltd namely Ellen Davis has recently been a part of Jenkins Ltd and audit team of Jenkins Ltd will also include Ellen Davis. In simpler terms, if one of the members of the audit and assurance team has been an employee of the client organization in the recent past and has been in a designation to influence the subject matter to b e evaluated then the situation falls under self-review threat. The situation given in this question is that the Audit Manager of Dargin Associates Accountants has received the accounting statements from Winmalee Ltd and has taken an optimistic approach to the valuation of development expenditure capitalized in intangible assets. It should also be noted that the senior staff bonuses is directly related to the firms profit performance and Winmalee has also provided copies of details taken from various accounting standards which are sympathetic to their approach to valuation of these assets. According to the conditions given in the situation, the domain of threat to independence under which this situation falls is familiarity or relationships threat (Blay and Geiger 2013). A familiarity or relationships threat is essentially a threat which is posed upon when the auditor has a close family or business relationship with the client. Now in this situation the audit manager may be lenient as Winmalee has used accounting standards which are sympathetic t o the approach of valuation as the bonus of senior staff depends directly on the total revenue. Therefore a relationships threat may arise on emotional terms (Carson et al., 2012). The situation given in the question is that the audit of a particular chocolate company has been asked to be done by the audit firm and it has also invited the audit firm to visit its second chocolate shop where defective chocolates are sold at a considerable discounted price. This situation will fall under self-interest threat as the auditing firm if refuses to comply with the unethical practices conducted by the chocolate company then it may refuse it to execute the audit of the financial statements of the company. Thus the auditing firm is concerned with losing a potent client (DeFond and Zhang 2014). The situation that is given in the question is that the Expert Travel Company currently wants to change the auditor as they want an auditor who is flexible in his approach for checking the financial standards of the company and as a result wants a final answer from the current auditor. This situation will again fall under self-interest threat as it can be observed that the auditor has financial interest in his client. In simpler terms the current auditor has the opportunity to accept the unethical practice proposed by the company and thus it falls under the category of self-interest threat (Koch, Weber and Wstemann 2012). he situation depicted in the question is that while carrying out the audit of Elmtree it comes into light that a senior member of the audit team, Elaine Ong is engaged to James Bing who is the senior accountant at Elmtree. This situation very rightly will fall under the category of familiarity threat as one of the members of the audit team has a family member or would be family member in the client organization. Elaine Ong being engaged to James Bing may widen the scope of improper auditing, thus it falls under familiarity threat (Dhaliwal et al., 2015). The situation mentioned in the question is that MCM Accountants will conduct an audit of Rangers Ltd. Now it is found out that one of the senior auditors on the audit Diane Polo plays on the same softball team as Elise Lift, the senior accountant and several other staff members from Rangers Ltd. This situation might fall under the category of familiarity threat, but no details have been provided in the question as to for how long Diane Polo is playing softball with Elise and other staff members of Rangers Ltd. If Elise and the other staff members are a mere acquaintance for Diane Polo then it will not fall under the category of any kind of threats but if a long association exists between Elise and the other staff members then it will definitely fall under the category of familiarity threat (Dhaliwal et al., 2015). An auditors report is one of the most important means by which the auditor makes a sincere effort in communicating the genuine information regarding the financial statements of the company to its stakeholders. With time unlike the structure of an auditors report, the accounting procedures of a firm have become more complex and global in nature. In present times auditors are taking on more risks in order to carry out error free auditing. The details of the information that is needed to be included in the audit report of the financial statements of a public company are audit matter that is critical, determinants for including each critical audit matter, exact clarification for each inclusion, a basic information regarding auditor tenure and also a standardized format of the audit report should be maintained by the auditor. An audit report should also very importantly highlight the loopholes in the financial statements in the company which is beneficial both for the company and its stakeholders (Gold, Gronewold and Pott 2012). References Blay, A.D. and Geiger, M.A., 2013. Auditor fees and auditor independence: Evidence from going concern reporting decisions. Contemporary Accounting Research, 30(2), pp.579-606. Carson, E., Fargher, N.L., Geiger, M.A., Lennox, C.S., Raghunandan, K. and Willekens, M., 2012. Audit reporting for going-concern uncertainty: A research synthesis. Auditing: AThe situation that is given in the question is that the Expertournal of Practice Theory, 32(sp1), pp.353-384. DeFond, M. and Zhang, J., 2014. A review of archival auditing research. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 58(2), pp.275-326. Dhaliwal, D.S., Lamoreaux, P.T., Lennox, C.S. and Mauler, L.M., 2015. Management Influence on Auditor Selection and Subsequent Impairments of Auditor Independence during the Post?SOX Period. Contemporary Accounting Research, 32(2), pp.575-607. Gold, A., Gronewold, U. and Pott, C., 2012. The ISA 700 auditor's report and the audit expectation gapdo explanations matter?. International Journal of Auditing, 16(3), pp.286-307. Knechel, W.R. and Salterio, S.E., 2016. Auditing: Assurance and risk. Taylor Francis. Koch, C., Weber, M. and Wstemann, J., 2012. Can auditors be independent? experimental evidence on the effects of client type. European Accounting Review, 21(4), pp.797-823. Tepalagul, N. and Lin, L., 2015. Auditor independence and audit quality: A literature review. Journal of Accounting, Auditing Finance, 30(1), pp.101-121.
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